Monday, January 13, 2014

To Run or Not to Run?

Well, that's just a silly question!

Those that know me know I love to run. It is by far the most excellent (and cheapest) therapy I have ever found. Before my knee surgery in 2011 I was running up to six miles a day. I run when I'm happy. I run when I'm sad. I run when absolutely everything in this world irritates me and I feel like I want to punch someone in the face. But then I lace up my shoes and everything is better.

If you hate cardio I feel bad for you son
I got 99 problems, but I run for fun!

In February 2011 I injured my knee while running on the treadmill. Actually, I didn't even injure it. I was running and suddenly felt like my knee was swelling up so I got off the treadmill and sure enough from my knee to my ankle was the twice the size than normal. After seeing one of the top orthopedic surgeons in Michigan (who did nothing for me), and four months of physical therapy I consulted an orthopedic surgeon in Green Bay. (if you ever have a need for an orthopedic surgeon go to Dr. Obma!) In May of 2011 I had laparoscopic surgery where it was discovered that my plica tissue had formed a groove in my femur bone and my cartilage was torn to shreds. Literally. It looked like a frayed pair of jeans. Two more months of physical therapy and on July 15, 2011 I ran for the first time in six months. There are no words for how happy I was on that day!

However, after six months of no physical activity including running I was fat. Okay, I wasn't fat. But, I had gained weight and lost most all of my motivation and ambition. My running shoes began to collect dust on my closet floor....

Fast forward to July of 2013. The month that my journey to get my health and happiness back began. I was DYING five minutes into a run. I couldn't complete a mile run to save my life. The girl that once ran six miles a day was clearly out of shape, and consistently out of breath. But, I didn't give up.  I ran (walked a lot!), and ran some more. Short sprints, long jogs, and some not-so-elegant dashes in-between. Not only did I have to get back into the groove of running, but I also had to do strength training for my knee. I couldn't run a mile to save my life without running out of breath let alone without any knee pain. That's what a year of lazy does for you. Nothing. It does literally nothing for you.

It has now been six months again. And, I'm not fat. I'm actually down thirty pounds (give or a take a few when it's that time of the month because we all know a hormonal woman will never turn down chocolate or carbs!) But, best of all I can run a mile in 9:22 with out losing my breath and with no knee pain!!!!!!

So, what's a girl to do with a new outlook on life, a personal best pace, and all time in the world?

Run a half-marathon.

I have been juggling the idea for awhile now, and I've decided to go for it! As one of my friends said, "You've pushed yourself this far why not go for it?!" So I'm going for it! I plan to run a 5k before the half-marathon but training starts TODAY! I haven't decided which half-marathon I want to run but I've looked up several in Wisconsin. I will probably choose one in May or June as weather would be better for running and will give me a little more time to train. I'm a little nervous, but so excited to do this and check it off my bucket list. In all honesty, I don't care about my time or even placing. I just care about committing to something new in my health and happiness journey that I can be proud of. Something that I said I was going to do, and did.

So here's to another exciting adventure in 2014. Here's to health and happiness. And, here's to some really sore legs for the next couple months!

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