Thursday, January 23, 2014

You Musn't Be Afraid to Dream a Little Bigger, Darling!

I don't know about you, but I got dreams. Big ones.

Six months ago I didn't know where my life was going. Actually, that's not entirely true. I knew where my life was going because I had decided it wasn't going to go anywhere. I had decided to let a broken heart steal every last bit of faith and hope in my own self that I had left. I had given up on myself, my dreams, and life itself.

And, then I found myself on a plane back to Wisconsin. The very last place in the world that I wanted to be, yet the very place I needed to be.

Do you have any idea how much gumption it takes to say, "I need to be where I don't want to be, so I can get where I'm going?" Yeah, I didn't either. But, now I do. Nobody in their right mind wants to start out on a journey of a lifetime following their heart, and then turn end up taking three steps and a gigantic leap backwards. I moved to South Carolina, and ended up back in my childhood bedroom two months later (side note: I miss having my place, my own things, and my own routine) was literally the most depressing time of my life. I went from having such hope in my future and faith in my ability to do everything I had dreamed of. But, coming home only helped me realize I wasn't doing what I dreamed of. What I was doing was a revised version of my dream to suit someone else. What kind of life is that?!

Here I stand, six months later, embarking on a new path (still in the same direction-south!) but completely paved by my own dreams and goals and the only person who has the ability to stand in my way is myself.

I've had to do a lot of soul-searching, refurbishing of my faith, and "closet-cleaning," in the last six months. I have learned to let go of so much that I was allowing to weigh me down-which has turned out to be one of the hardest lessons I have ever had to learn. I had to pick myself up and decide that enough was enough and I was deserving of so much more than I had accepted. I had to learn which relationships were no longer worth suffering over, which jobs weren't right for me, and what love I had to forgive. I had to learn how to say "no" with apologizing or explaining myself. I never realized how much relief one simple word can bring to the mind, but it has saved my sanity.

I have rediscovered my Faith in God and learned to trust His plan for me. There was days when I felt angry, and alone. Why would He make me go through so much? I didn't understand it. And, then I remembered that the teacher is always silent during the test. His plan wasn't for me to go through and keep going through it. His plan was for me to end up where I am-back in His arms where I belong. The very place I needed to be.

In seven months I will be right back where I was a year ago-but this time I won't be right back where I was. Geographically, yes. Emotionally, spiritually, educationally, financially, and relationally-I will be 180 degrees from where I was a year ago. For those of you that haven't been updated, or don't know the on-goings of my life here it is:

1) While I've been home (as in sucking up my pride and living with my parents who have graciously not charged me rent) I have managed to buy a new vehicle (a 2004 Saturn Vue) with no loans from the bank or any help from my parents. For the first time I own a vehicle that is in great condition, is reliable, is spacious, and is all mine. Paid in full. BOOM!

2) I have four jobs. Granted, they aren't in my career field, but they pay my bills and I enjoy them. Which leads me to number three.

3) I have paid off all debts with the exception of my student loans. I'm working on that part. But, to know that besides my car insurance and phone bill every month I owe no money to any other person.

4) By the Grace of God I have risen above what was the darkest of my days and I remember what it was like to not only believe in myself, but love myself.

5) I have renewed my Faith in God.  I had stopped going to church, I had stopped praying and I had stopped living a life that included Him. But, now I live my life for Him and through Him. I trust in His plan for me. I'm still working on the going to church on the regular, but I have started reading the Bible again, reading a daily devotional and praying like my momma taught me.

6) I have completely changed my health and eating habits. I now follow a Paleo lifestyle (as best I can-I'm still human and I still love chocolate!) and I exercise daily. I have never felt so healthy and alive! I look forward to going to the gym, and I love trying new foods, now!

7) I am applying to the University of South Carolina in Columbia, South Carolina. Applications are due by March 1st and I still have to take the GRE (February 12th to be exact), but I have a good feeling about it! I had swore I would never go to graduate school but I have since realized that it is exactly what I wanted to do!

8) And, after graduate school I want to join the United States Air Force as a commissioned officer and practice social work! My program is 11 months long and I hope to some how land an internship working with the military since this is where I'd like to focus my career, but we shall see! I will have 11 months to decide if joining the Air Force or simply working as a civil servant in the Air Force is the route for me. (I'm trying very hard to not plan too far in advance-I've learned from experience plans don't always work out. Ha!)

9) I have renewed friendships. I have learned the hard way what losing a friend feels like; what distance and change of lives can do to two people that were once so close. I care so dearly for my friends, and I am grateful for the opportunity to renew several friendships that mean so much to me.

10) And, yes  this all means I am moving back to South Carolina! I was raised in Wisconsin, in a tiny town that has such love for everyone in it but I don't belong here. Not right now, anyways. I will be moving back south come August in time for school. I will be able to have my own apartment right away, and I'll have my own car with me (the one that is spacious enough to move what very little belongings I have!). And I will be in the sunshine and near the beach and on my own adventure!

But, most importantly of all I am following MY dreams. I may have been detoured and road-blocked, and turned around a few more times than I initially planned but it's all gotten me to the place that I am at. Happy. So incredibly, and abundantly happy that I am bursting with joy! I have a dream, I have a plan (a pretty solid one at that), and my hope and Faith restored!

While my dreams have taken me a little longer to come alive, I am thankful for the lessons this journey has taught me and I am thankful for who I am and look forward to what I am capable of becoming.

Proverbs 31:25 "She is clothed in strength and dignity and laughs without fear of the future."


Monday, January 13, 2014

To Run or Not to Run?

Well, that's just a silly question!

Those that know me know I love to run. It is by far the most excellent (and cheapest) therapy I have ever found. Before my knee surgery in 2011 I was running up to six miles a day. I run when I'm happy. I run when I'm sad. I run when absolutely everything in this world irritates me and I feel like I want to punch someone in the face. But then I lace up my shoes and everything is better.

If you hate cardio I feel bad for you son
I got 99 problems, but I run for fun!

In February 2011 I injured my knee while running on the treadmill. Actually, I didn't even injure it. I was running and suddenly felt like my knee was swelling up so I got off the treadmill and sure enough from my knee to my ankle was the twice the size than normal. After seeing one of the top orthopedic surgeons in Michigan (who did nothing for me), and four months of physical therapy I consulted an orthopedic surgeon in Green Bay. (if you ever have a need for an orthopedic surgeon go to Dr. Obma!) In May of 2011 I had laparoscopic surgery where it was discovered that my plica tissue had formed a groove in my femur bone and my cartilage was torn to shreds. Literally. It looked like a frayed pair of jeans. Two more months of physical therapy and on July 15, 2011 I ran for the first time in six months. There are no words for how happy I was on that day!

However, after six months of no physical activity including running I was fat. Okay, I wasn't fat. But, I had gained weight and lost most all of my motivation and ambition. My running shoes began to collect dust on my closet floor....

Fast forward to July of 2013. The month that my journey to get my health and happiness back began. I was DYING five minutes into a run. I couldn't complete a mile run to save my life. The girl that once ran six miles a day was clearly out of shape, and consistently out of breath. But, I didn't give up.  I ran (walked a lot!), and ran some more. Short sprints, long jogs, and some not-so-elegant dashes in-between. Not only did I have to get back into the groove of running, but I also had to do strength training for my knee. I couldn't run a mile to save my life without running out of breath let alone without any knee pain. That's what a year of lazy does for you. Nothing. It does literally nothing for you.

It has now been six months again. And, I'm not fat. I'm actually down thirty pounds (give or a take a few when it's that time of the month because we all know a hormonal woman will never turn down chocolate or carbs!) But, best of all I can run a mile in 9:22 with out losing my breath and with no knee pain!!!!!!

So, what's a girl to do with a new outlook on life, a personal best pace, and all time in the world?

Run a half-marathon.

I have been juggling the idea for awhile now, and I've decided to go for it! As one of my friends said, "You've pushed yourself this far why not go for it?!" So I'm going for it! I plan to run a 5k before the half-marathon but training starts TODAY! I haven't decided which half-marathon I want to run but I've looked up several in Wisconsin. I will probably choose one in May or June as weather would be better for running and will give me a little more time to train. I'm a little nervous, but so excited to do this and check it off my bucket list. In all honesty, I don't care about my time or even placing. I just care about committing to something new in my health and happiness journey that I can be proud of. Something that I said I was going to do, and did.

So here's to another exciting adventure in 2014. Here's to health and happiness. And, here's to some really sore legs for the next couple months!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

...23 Things I've Done by 26 Instead of Being Married by 23...

Disclaimer: This is not a bash blog post. This is simply a post in reference to the two articles going around social media outlets as of late.

I'm sure you've seen (or at least heard about) the article going our Facebook where the blogger writes about 23 things to do instead of getting engaged by 23. She reportedly wrote the article as a personal bucket list, but in a fashion that suggests that all other women should do the same (or similar) things as she instead of getting married at a young age.

If you haven't read this blog here is the link. It would be helpful to read to have a background to the rest of my post.

I just recently also read a post from a twenty-five year old that was in reference to the aforementioned blog. This post obviously was in favor of marriage by age 23 and all the things you are still capable of doing regardless of your marriage status or age.

Here's my take on it all

I believe in love. Young love. Old love. In-between love. Friend love. Family love. I love you but I'm not IN love with you love. and my current kind-I love my dog love.

I also don't believe that there is an age requirement for marriage. I don't believe that there an age too young to marry, realistically speaking (if you respond with "what about twelve year olds that are forced into marriage..." or something along those lines, please find someone to slap you for asking such a ridiculous question). I don't believe that getting married by or at age twenty-three carries any consequences or causes anyone to miss out on anything. Just like I don't think that getting married at a later age allows you to experience any more or less than that of someone younger.

I have friends that were married younger than 23 have multiple children and blessed in ways I only wish I could be, I have met people in my current job that didn't get married until 2013 after already having been together for 20+ years and are near retirement. Last but not least, my baby sister is getting married this year eleven days before her 23rd birthday. And, she's done more in life at age 22 than half the people she knows her age.

I had plans when I was younger. I thought I would be married and have at least one child by the time I was 25. You know what they say, "If you want to make God laugh, tell him you have plans." Being married and having children, right now at age 26, just wasn't meant for me I guess. I would be lying if I said that I never cared, or that I don't feel sad about it sometimes. But I've gotten to a point in my life that I appreciate what I have accomplished instead. That's not saying that I've done more than my friends and family that are/will be married young-that's saying that I've experienced so much more than I would have been able to if I had been married or than I would have been able to if I had married the first or even second person that I thought was "the one."

So here's my list of the top 23 things I've done by age 26 instead of being married by 23:
1. Got a passport at age 16. I then traveled to France while in high school and have stood on top of the Eiffel Tower and I have seen the Mona Lisa.
2. I went to college. Actually, I went to 3 colleges. I graduated with my Bachelor's degree in 2012 at the age of 24 from Northern Michigan University.
3. I found my "thing." and it is one of many "things" that I have found.
4. I joined a sorority in college. And, some of my best friends because of it.
5. I fell in love.
6. I became an aunt and learned just how much love a heart can hold. <3
7.  I moved across the country. With a one-way plane ticket and two checked bags. literally.
8. I've had my heart broken.
9. Because of those heart breaks I've learned more about myself and what I want most out of relationship than I ever would have known.
10. I bought a car! All on my own without help from my parents or the bank.
11. I've been to Disney World (there is seriously no place as magical as Disney-even at 24)!
12. I've dated several people. not at the same time. I don't know about you, but I don't like things blowing up in my face.
13. I have in fact made out with a perfect stranger. And, realized it's way more fun to make out with someone I'm dating.
14. I got a tattoo. Then I got another tattoo. This month, I'm getting my third.
15.  I lost my faith. But, I found it again. V
16. I lived on my own and walked through my house naked all the time. I did not however break the law with public ludeness by standing in front of my window naked (nobody would want to see that naked anyways-then maybe).
17. I joined a gym. And to my surprise I kept going back. I've now lost 30 pounds and stand in my mirror naked all the time! :)
18. I started a blog. Wrote a few times, and never wrote again. Then I remembered the really stupid stuff I wrote about and started this blog.
19. I touched the ocean!
20. I sucked up my pride and moved back into my parent's house. TEMPORARILY.
21. I cut my hair off. I can't get it to grow past my shoulders now :(
22. I made new friends and I rekindled old friendships.
23. I wrote this blog post about what I've done instead of being married and having children. But, it doesn't mean I've done any more or any less than anyone else. No matter their age.
No matter what age you get married at or what you've accomplished by the time you get married (or at any point in your life) it doesn't matter. All the matters is that you are happy and that you are full-filled. It's your life. No one else's. Stop comparing yourself to other's and just do what makes your heart fill with joy (or your head tell you "that was stupid").

...every journey begins with a single step, so you should probably have a cute pair of shoes...

Welcome, 2014!!

So, it's a new day and a new year and I can't begin to put into words how incredibly excited I am for this year!! There is so much going on in 2014 that my heart is overfilled with happiness and my brain and fingers are itching to write about every minute of it! <3

Between applying to graduate school, moving back to South Carolina, and my baby sister's wedding this year is sure to be an adventure!

I've always been the adventurous type. I'd rather being going outside my comfort zone than staying where I feel safe and this year will be about testing my boundaries and experiencing everything that this world has to offer. I am completely in love with places I've never been and with people I've never met!

I believe that you should spend your time creating a life you love otherwise you'll be spending a lot of time living a life you don't like. I can't imagine what kind of life it would be if contentment was all that was sought. I don't want to be content. I want to wake up every morning excited about whatever the day has for me. I want to laugh every moment possible, and smile even when others are not. This year it will be about me. It will be about my new journey. It will be about seeking happiness, and adventure like I've never known.

So, spend a few minutes today or tomorrow, or even the day after thinking about what it is that YOU truly want. Not about what is going to make someone else happy. And then TAKE THAT FIRST STEP! This is YOUR journey. Only you get to decide where it's going to lead and how amazing the ride is going to be!
Jeremiah 29:11
God Bless Y'all!
Michelle <3