Saturday, March 28, 2015

Finding My Dream

When I was little I wanted to be a cowboy. When I was a senior in high school I swore I wanted to be a police officer. As a freshman in college I didn't know what I wanted to be. As a sophomore in college I wanted to be a pediatric nurse. As a current graduate student I just want to be happy.

One year ago I had already received my acceptance letter for The University of South Carolina-Columbia to the Graduate School of Social Work. At that time I had a very well thought out plan of  becoming a therapist specifically working with Veterans.

This last  year I have had two amazing opportunities that have not only shaped me as a professional but have opened my eyes to my abilities as a social worker, my passion for serving others, and my ability to do far more than just listen.

This semester I got to volunteer with a brand new non-profit in Charleston called Palmetto Warrior Connection. The mission of Palmetto Warrior Connection is:

"To empower the Warrior and their family utilizing collaboration, advocacy and education by promoting relentless quality care." 

I cannot speak highly enough of the trained Veteran Advocates at PWC that ready to assist every veteran, active duty service member, family member and care taker that walks through their doors with housing, education, mental health support, and Veteran benefits.

Being a small part of this agency and their mission to reach every veteran and connect them with the services that they so immensely deserve has truly opened my vision and passion about outreach and advocacy!

The other opportunity that I was granted this past school year was a Graduate Assistantship with Operation Home in North Charleston whose mission is to help people remain in their homes by increasing safety and accessibility.

I've always sworn that I only ever wanted to do micro-social work, but this opportunity was on the macro level and I have slowly but surely made my way over to the "other side." Being able to connect community members with resources and agencies that can help them remain in their homes with integrity and respect has been an amazing learning experience.

If I wasn't afforded these opportunities this year I may not have realized my passion. 

I may not have found my dream.  Therapist.

Graduation is in 41 days. Maybe someday when I've stopped trying to save the world I will settle in an office and be a therapist, but not today. And not tomorrow, either. I can't tell you what's in my future, but now that I've found my dream I'm going to go confidently in the direction of it. 

What is your dream? What are you chasing after? 

1 comment:

  1. I love this post! It resonates so true with myself and the many changes I have made in my career choices
